The Future of Cardiovascular Treatments Across the World

Mar 28, 2024


In this episode of Transforming Healthcare, host Jay Evans and ⁠Dr Bipin Patel⁠ are joined by ⁠Ami Bhatt, MD⁠. Ami is the Chief Innovation Officer at ⁠American College of Cardiology⁠ and a Harvard MGH trained Cardiologist.

Bipin and Ami discuss the complexities and challenges around developing treatment options for heart patients and the issue of data sourcing and collation. The conversation looks at the future of patient monitoring and the role of technology, including mobile devices, in treating and caring for patients. This includes an interesting conversation around how mid to lower income countries can play a part in developing the technologies of the future.

Listen or download our podcast on the last Thursday of every month on all podcast channels.




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